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Thursday, June 11, 2009

OKOK...Heres the new post (though) its kinda outdated...XD quit school tennis and joined basketball... school tennis was kinda too boring AND too much PT. i dont need that. I didnt sign up for PT. joined basketball simply for fun.didnt use to play it often last time but since most people in NJ play basketball so i just play lor.and plus basketball can plae C divz though we surely lose.too noob liao. Holidayz are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but so sian-_- everyday homework,eat,play,sleep........ homework,homework,homework,homework.though actually theres one more thing.....HOMEWORK!!!! how many projects not done... so bored... Anywayz, went to ah mah house recently the others came too\ Feline came late but she brought 2 whole plastic bags full of DURIAN...:P Let The eating begin so there were like 6 whole durians and we were like eating machine Chomp,chomp,*burp* got a nasty shock on the 6th durian inside the 2nd one was a fat squelching maggot. yes, a maggot. Damn it that seriously ruined my appetite.Im never going to eat durians again....... i was so freaked out i didnt eat ANY of the lychees that followed. went bak to cat high with mingjun yesterday.JUST for basketball boy,the net was short just above my head. a pity i couldnt dunk not tall enough. i couldnt make many baskets. not used. then some idiots came to challenge us.and we fight there until so sian, we went down to secondary court and thrashed them 7-nil, and 21-6 haha eatr that. too late liao i gtg bb. :P Mingyi

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Haiz... todae mr thng's last day... nono... just his last day in NJC. so sadded cannot plae basketball with him liao.too bad. He go NS anyways if hes free still can go ask him come school plae..yesterday stayed till 6.30 in school play board /strategy games with him. forgot all about the time until like 6.20.(and yes, i pontanked tennis) his last day mah... den today come back play again hahas. he becoming clerk in NS(slacker)haha. hope he comes bak once in awhile to plae basketball with us. like yester day me and kin ming play basketball with him 7-1. he had to treat us to drinks :P Hope to see him again sometime... mingZZZZZ

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

5 days without government....5 days of freedom....SHIOK AH. my parents went to china for holidays and so only me mingjun and mingxia are left at home. So damn good...want go bowling at club? just go. wan play tennis at SGCC? just go. Wan go gym for awhile? just go. wan go J8? wan go AMK? JUSTGO. The whole day jus sit at home relack, if not go SGCC. Or J8 Heck,. no government, no nid do work. HAHAAHAH. Invited my cousi ns to sleep over. can sleep at 3. watch movies till damn late at night. NOBODY CARES.=P Too shiok for words.My brother stole my card to go bowling. that basket, Aiyah...Went out with cat high ppl. went to watch DB evolution. Nothing better to watch mah. Goku is Angmoh? walao eh so-so only.den we went to arcade.Jon Mok as sick as ever... got one prob... the whole day i face com or tv... scarley nid specs... my visions is kinda blur. Pls dont let me kenna glasses...School Tour coming up... scary. HAHAS SHIOK AH!!!! MAD MOOSE

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wa homework overload. xiao one lor. maybe cant finish the homework today...kenna scolded again... aiyah.always like that one.Damn heng leh. Yesterday finished de Ih homework in 1 hr! after school. everything was fake, of course.. but no choice ma. Some record... The new imetable is not gut la... damn bad in fact. no more 2 hr lunches of basketball or tennis. and new breaks and recesses are redundant. recess as first period? WTF. recess is o take a break from work wad. put it at the start and its useless lor. Free period at the end of the day? wad for? waste time only lor. Nvm can join basketball AND guitar for CAFE for 1 more term FOC. goodgood. hehe. The school Tennis training is living hell, well sometimes... Like they ask you run 32 rounds on the track... NOT NICE i tell ya... Nvm have to leave with it...who ask me go join the school training?kk lor. tats all for today.Maybe can have class bonding, then can teach the new cheers lor. kks byes Mingyi

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

CIP Day was like damn tireing.. Supposed to collect the books for ppl, from ppl. After class was likre rushed to tampines mall to meet Wilson Zack Hedyla and Sheryl. i was ike the latest la. anyways when i got there they alr prepared a list of food: Crystal Jade, Seoul Garden... My treat. Can die ahhh. We went all over the place looking for food, went to the 4th floor then suddenly: Go basement. ZZZ... after that we went all the way down and i so unluckily saw fish n co. So in the end we agreed to go fish and co. only becos we thought we would get children menu($5 sia) we went in. and were given the adults menu... the prices were like $15 bucks,25 bucks.walau eh. in the end i shared a 25bucks meal with zack. 3 times the budget.burned a hole in me pocket. in the end the bill was 65 bucks and $10 of it was GST... in the end eat until 2 o clock. no time for arcade. Sigh... Then we went to wilsons house to put our stuff and get changed into the uniform. Then we set off. from the 10 story till the 2nd story. at first like so scary dun dare knck or ring the bell. but still hav to. most of the houses didnt give any thing . those that had books gave a lot. got 4 blocks ,10 stories to cover. by the time we were done with 2 blocks it was like already 7 o clock. and we went to mac for a drink and i had to go. there was 1 unit where there was a cute small puppy. then it was looking at us like so innocent. then it started barking like crazy and Zack was half freaked out to death. he said he has a fear of dogs. doggyphobia. on the way home i was on a 72 hen theres this woman also goin 136 then i asked her if that was he way o go lor chuan. half way afer 72 i follow her go 136 then at some bloody ulu stop she say alight there. so i was like blur blur and i was playin my psp so not focus. so i got off la. Wrong stop. Stupid woman duno anything anyhow talk. w=i was like k***i n**u c**o cb la. f***ing woman. i was damn bloody pissed la. Pandi... got home at 9+ but at least got some leftover chilli crab. Woots. tmr got piano exam... dunno wether can pass or not... m0O$#Y,Mingyi

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Reporting for the first time. Hi this is me blog and this is de first post. this blog was created out of plain bordom... plain damn boredom. Aiyah nothing to do, dats why so bo liao, make a blog. anyways i try to post frequently la. Some details about this blog: Oking MoO$#Y or Mingyi

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Name: mingyi (pls la quite the duh) Schools: Poi Ching Pri, Catholic High (GONG JIAO) {NJC} Bd: 20/8 im sec 1 but how i wish i could go back to P6...6F RawkZ Plaes: basketball...Tennis...Table Tennis...Badminton...Soccer?!...floorball...RUGBY?!...squash???

Sign off

To all Who Comes... If any pls tag hor


Kin Ming

Past Memories

  • .. March 2009
  • .. April 2009
  • .. June 2009

  • Credits

    Designer: Aucifan
    Image: Kingdom Hearts 2
    Software: Adobe Photoshop